Get advance Excel Training at I4BEST, and secure your Job

MS Excel is the most common software used for spreadsheet, the Workshop on MS Excel has been designed to provide hands-on experience. The workshop aims to impart the basic and advanced techniques of Excel to acquaint users with the latest technology as well as lessen their work load. We, at Career Skills Academy, believe in practical oriented training methodology, and thus we conduct a hands on workshop to enrich the existing knowledge in professionals and help them explore unimaginable possibilities.

Who Should Attend This Workshop? Why?

Workshop on MS Excel is a common platform for all to learn the nitty-grittys of spreadsheet application. It is for Executives, who are familiar with the basic functionality of spreadsheets, yet are unaware of its advanced techniques. It is for students of professional courses, who use spreadsheet at on elementary level and will have to graduate to advanced features during their academic and career pursuits.

Ordinary laymen, who use spreadsheets in their day to day lives, can also take part in this workshop to learn more about the application and thus expand the horizons of their knowledge and possibilities. Workshop on Advanced Spreadsheet is an endeavor by Career Skills Academy to spread awareness about the application and thus help the users to utilize it optimally.

Course Content
This workshop is specifically designed for professionals and graduate students who need to learn about the advanced ways of using spreadsheets for complex issues. This knowledge packed workshop starts with an introduction to MS Excel. Tentative list of topics which are covered in the seminar.

Quick Overview

• Essential Shortcuts

• Absolute & Relative Referencing ($)

• ROUND (), SUMPRODUCT (), etc.

Data Analytics

• Using SUBTOTAL() with Filtered data


Pivot Tables

• Computations %, Sum, Max, Min, Average, Count, etc.

• Generate Multiple Reports

Data Lookup



Excel Modelling

• INDIRECT() with Cell Range Naming

Logical Statements

• IF(), Nested IFs(), AND(), OR(), IFERROR()


Working with Dates

Data Cleaning

• LEFT(), RIGHT(), MID()



• Using “&” for concatenating or joining strings / cell values

• Find & Replace (Using wildcard character – Asterisk *)

• Go To (Special) with Ctrl+Enter trick

• Text to Columns with advanced tricks

• Remove Duplicates

MIS Reporting

• Data Consolidation

• Automatic Row Wise Sub-Total

• Conditional Formatting – Blanks, Duplicates, Cell Values, Formula based, etc)

• File Password & Cell Protection

Dashboard Techniques

• Data Validation (List)

• Cell Range Naming, Grouping

What IF Analysis

• Data Tables

Macros: Overview

• Concept

• Macros Recorder, Record & Run

Contact : 9038970007


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