What makes IT recruiting so attractive

It’s a money spinner if you do some simple math. You might know ten IT professionals well enough to get their resumes. On an average each one of them has ten close friends. This gives you a starting data bank of 100 professionals just two degrees of  separation away from yourself. You can use tools such as “Linked in” to maintain this network. If you  start building your network you will soon be able to connect up-to a thousand IT professionals.

 If all this seems like a lot of networking spade work, check out the i4best HR Training to get you started.

 Given the fact that IT industry has a churn rate of 20% per year; 200 members of your network are likely to find a new job this year. Out of these potential candidates if you are able to place 10% in a year; you can easily earn close to a million rupees in recruitment fees. I4best provides the infrastructure for you to maintain a database of candidates


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