What is leave policy in IT company?
The Factories Act has provided annual/earned leave of 12 working days for all the workers who have worked at least 240 days in a year. However, the duration of earned/annual leave differs for the adult and young workers. An adult worker is entitled to one day of earned leave for every 20 days of service while a young worker (under the age of 15 years) is entitled to one day of earned leave for every 15 days of service. Thus, the annual leave duration is 15 working days and 20 working days for adult and young workers respectively. Workers are paid their usual daily wage rates for the days of earned leave. A worker is paid his full daily wages during the term of annual leave. Daily wages are the average of his total full time earnings for the day on which he actually worked during the months immediately preceding his leave, exclusive of any overtime and bonus but inclusive of dearness allowance and the cash equivalent of advantage accruing through the concessional sale to t...
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